Why you should ALWAYS look after your immune system!
Speaking about immunity, it’s not just when there is a known virus or “bug going around” that we need to be vigilant.
So often in clinic we meet people who feel unwell and who have been to their medical practitioners who have run blood and urine tests which have returned negative. There is nothing obviously wrong, they are functioning and going to work and school, but they clearly are not feeling 100% – a bit more tired or more flat than usual, or a disturbed digestion, or an intermittent headache, or just “not right”.
Feeling “low” after a cold or flu – what could be going on?
Quite a few years ago now, I was unfortunate enough to catch a cold virus. I did not look after myself enough and while the virus ran its course, I developed bronchitis as a secondary infection, and then it slid into pneumonia, which entailed the use of antibiotics. As I was a naturopath, I also used vitamin C, probiotics to replenish the gut flora, and a herbal formula which supported the body’s immune system.
Just after this, I attended a seminar (on advanced live blood analysis) and met a doctor there. In conversation, I learnt that she had also experienced the cold virus, bronchitis and pneumonia and the same antibiotics as I had at exactly the same time. Out of interest, we looked through the microscopes there at our own live blood samples. It was so interesting to see that while I was producing plenty of new white blood cells, and some were maturing, my new friend had hardly any and what she had were very immature (meaning, they were not yet strong enough to effectively protect her from the next virus or challenge).
Without it being a well-conducted trial, it is easy to surmise that the patient with the quickest recovery was the one who supported her health with supplements and herbal medicine.
Why boosting your immune system works in the long term
Similarly, in clinic, we consistently see clients who recover their strength more quickly when they take supportive supplementation.
Coming back to my second paragraph, we often find that on direct questioning the client may recall that they had had a cold (or digestive upset) quite some time ago, and then on reflection they realise that it was before that last sickness that they last felt very well and vibrant.
Now, in the absence of any other possible contributing factors (diet, trauma), it is not too late to start supporting the immune function, including using medicinal mushrooms and herbs known to support both red and white blood cell production. Where indicated or appropriate, phenolic drops may also be useful. These work on a homoeopathic basis and may be a useful addition to the care plan, and are available through your naturopath or through a homoeopathic practitioner.
Why we need to take more care as we get older
Brushing off a cold or ‘flu virus may be appropriate for some, but we should all be alert to changes in our health that may linger long after the cold has become history, especially as we get older. Sometimes there may be hormonal or endocrine system changes which doctors believe have been triggered by colds or ‘flu’s, for example thyroid or pancreatic function.
If you think that might apply to you, do come in and discuss what’s going on with me, and we’ll see how to move forward.